Step One Intake & Assessment
Individuals are referred to Step One for many reasons:
The first step is to evaluate and determine if treatment is necessary. This is accomplished through utilization of evidence-based assessment tools which assist in making this determination. Our multi-disciplinary team then meets to discuss the results of these assessments to then decide if admission is appropriate. Once admitted, a comprehensive treatment plan is then developed in partnership with the client to start them on their recovery journey.
Men’s & Women’s Intensive Program
The Step One utilizes the Level of Care Determination tool (LOCADTR) as a foundation to place clients in the appropriate treatment setting. The highest level of care offered here at Step One is our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). Step One’s IOP offers a client multiple extended groups per week in addition to individual sessions with their assigned counselor. IOP allows for clients to receive extensive treatment support while still remaining in their own residence to promote positive recovery outcomes.
IOP groups meet 5 days per week, Monday through Friday.